To write or not to write?

When I was younger, I wrote a lot of poetry. I have books and books full of poems that I wrote. I even had one poem published in a real poetry book. Most of the poems were full of teen angst and teen love, but occasionally, I would write a few that were not. As I got older and busier, I stopped writing so often. Now, I rarely find the time (or feel inspired) to write a poem. That makes me sad. I miss writing poetry. I miss the release of emotions that happens as you write a good poem. Should I make the time to actually write a poem? I don't know. Whenever I try to do that, I come up with nothing. I seem to only be able to write poetry when it just "comes to me." But maybe that is due to the fact that I do not try enough. What if I put the time aside to write more often? We will see. In the meantime, check out my poems here.


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