
Showing posts from July, 2012

Parenting is Hard

Two is a hard age. I am told three is worse, but we aren't there yet so I am just going to pretend they are lying to me for now. Because I can't imagine it being any worse. E has just entered the "mine" and "no" phases, so add those phases to the regular pushing, hitting, yelling, etc phases that he is already in and you get the picture as to how my days often go. Don't get me wrong, there are some fantastic things about two. It can be so much fun at times! But, right now, the hard parts seem to outweigh the fun parts. Maybe it's because I forgot to take my placenta pills this morning, or maybe it's because E is having a hard day, but things just seem so....not fun today. E is your typical boy. He is full of energy, a little rough and he doesn't realize that not everyone wants to play that way. I know, I know. Some people have told me that boys learn rough behaviour. I think those people have never had a son. Because I guarantee you th