
Showing posts from 2019

Saying Goodbye to Babies

It's been a hot minute since I've blogged on here. The past year has been a whirlwind of personal leaps and jumps and moving forward in faith as I opened my own business as a doula . And in the midst of that, Mr Blueberry injured his back to the point he couldn't walk and was off work for months - and he's still recovering from that. And then the usual busy life of a family of 6 between school, appointments, and just life.  And here we are. The day before Miss A turns three.  And I have no idea where the time went. I mean, I know it passes. That's what time does. But it feels like yesterday that I sat in that warm water in my kitchen in awe that I just birthed a daughter, strong in my power as a mom of babies. And now I look at her playing with her brothers, telling them what she wants and being fierce about her space and I just can't believe it. Today is the last day that I will have a two year old. It's the last day I wil