
Showing posts from June, 2013


How I've been feeling lately... Broken. I feel broken. Just a few short months ago, I felt strong. Able to do anything. A warrior. Today, I feel broken. Last week was not a great week in the blueberry household. We had a huge bill to fix our car, so huge that we've had to cancel a lot of plans for the summer (the Edmonton half included). And my week ended with an emotion filled doctor appointment that has me waiting for a lot of further testing. I wanted to crawl into a dark hole and never come out. Either that, or curl up with a huge bottle of red wine, chocolate chip cookies, and Dirty Dancing. Why do I feel broken? On top of my knee issues that I'm (still) dealing with, I have an ab diastasis. If you don't know what that is, it is when your abs separate (usually in pregnancy). It means that my core is incredibly weak and has caused my back to overcompensate. It has likely also contributed to my knee issues. Oh and, unless I am actively engaging my

Bumps Along the Journey

Injuries suck. There are no other words for them. I have been sidelined, unable to run, since the BMO half marathon, and I hate it. I have been riding my bike, walking, and going to yoga but it's just not the same. I want to run! I've slowly started running for 10 minutes at a time, but it's not enough. I see all my friends and loved ones going out and getting crazy sweat on and I want to join them so badly but can't. Not only am I missing the challenge for my body, I'm missing the camaraderie that exercise had become through TNT. It's so incredibly frustrating. I feel like I'm sitting here stagnant and floundering while everyone around me is progressing. I hate it! I can't even begin to imagine what frustration I would feel if I was injured as a professional athlete, it sucks enough just as me! I want to be out there running and challenging my body. I don't want to be taking it easy, worried about my knee. I'm scared that unless I get o

My Healthy Revolution: 28 Days Later

Just after finishing! It's been one month since I had the experience of a lifetime--running in my first half marathon in Vancouver. It was beyond amazing, especially getting to experience it with my closest friends. Team in training is truly an amazing organization. Last November , I could barely run for three minutes at a time. Yet, three weeks ago I ran a half marathon . Amazing. Just amazing. I can't say enough good things about TNT. They helped turn this non-runner who hated running and thought it was a pointless way to exercise into a runner who can't wait to get out for a run, even during the bitter cold of an Edmonton winter . They helped me make my health and exercise a priority, all while raising money for a great cause. They helped me change my life. I can't thank TNT and my fantastic coaches enough for the difference they've made in my life. Exercise is now a part of my life that I look forward to and that my body craves. Running through pa