
Showing posts from June, 2016

Motherhood is a Marathon

A couple of years ago, I trained for a half marathon. I committed to running in rain and snow and wind. I ran over icy roads and through freezing winds. I ran through slushy puddles and an April blizzard. I lost many toenails and ended up with a very hurt knee. It was not easy. I was not a runner before, but I sure felt like one after. It was not easy, but when my feet hit the pavement in Vancouver, it was sure worth it. As I ran up the hills and felt my body's strength, it was worth it. As I ran beside the sea line and breathed in the salted air, it was worth it. As I saw that finish line looming in the distance and gave my body that final push towards it, it was worth it. When I finally crossed that finish line and collapsed on the side of the road with such a feeling of accomplishment and exhaustion, it was worth it. But for all my training, I wasn't ready for the emotional and mental side of being in a race with hundreds of other people. I just couldn't train for the me

How to Make a Father

Fatherhood is not for the faint of heart. One must be brave and willing to put one's own needs on hold for their children. True fathers do more than just help create a child. True fathers don't even need to have been there at the start. I have many fathers in my life. I consider myself quite lucky, in fact, to have so many great ones surrounding me. My own father, my step father, my father in law, and of course, the father of my children all display different characteristics of what makes a great father. Over the years, expectations of what makes a great father has changed. No longer is it solely about being the breadwinner. We expect more now, rightly so. But how do you make a good father? First, take a huge scoop of love. Fathers need to have love. Love for their kids of course, but also love for their partner. They need to display this love, so make sure to add in plenty of hugs and kisses. Next, pour in some hard work. A lot of hard work. More. Keep pouring. Okay, that

Not a Gardener but Maybe a Gardener

I am not a gardener. For the last 8 years, we lived in a condo without a yard. For the year before that, we lived in a basement suite and the landlords used the entire back yard for an amazing garden (though they didn't live there). For the 4 years before that, we lived in a different basement suite and didn't think to ask if we could have a garden. Oh, I have tried growing things in containers. I spent a lot of money on containers and seeds and soil and every time everything would just die. I either watered too much or I'd forget and the soil would dry out. One year, my wonderful neighbour Margaret  (who passed away the following year) took it upon herself to make sure my plants were watered and they actually did okay that year. At least, the flowers did. But every other year, things slowly died and my black thumb showed. Mrblueberry laughed at me and shook his head every year as my excitement at the promise of spring took over and I bought planters and seeds, and how ever