What I Love About Toddlers

Normally, I hate Fridays. Fridays are always such a long day in the blueberry household. Mrblueberry works at his retail job Friday nights, so it is all me, all day. Having to be "on" all day for a toddler sure makes for one tired pregnant momma. Yesterday was no exception. The third trimester seems to have kicked in early and I feel like I hit a brick wall most of the day now. It doesn't help that E has discovered a new love of making the biggest messes everywhere I turn. By the time mrblueberry came home between school and work, I was almost passed out on the couch as E brought me a new book to read every few minutes. Thankfully, I was able to get a short 20 minute nap before mrblueberry had to leave for work. It didn't really help much though and I struggled to get through to the time when I could acceptably put E down for bed. When it was finally time and I started to run his bath, E turned on his charm. He started laughing and being silly and calling "daddy." And suddenly, all my fatigue and frustration drained away. As frustrating and tiring as a toddler can be at times, this is a great age. Here are my top reasons why I love this age:

1. They learn so fast. One day, I am fully dressing E, and the next he insists on helping and almost succeeds in getting his shirt on himself. (This isn't always positive though as they learn to do things you don't want them to do...like figure out those child locks!).

2. Hugs and kisses. E is FULL of hugs and kisses. He will run up to me, hug my legs, and then go back to playing. Nothing brightens housework more than that.

3. How proud they can be when they learn something. Seriously, the look of pride on E's face when he learned how to turn the light switch on above his toy box was priceless!

4. Suddenly, they are so independent. It's so great to see E wanting to do things. But it does make me a little bit sad. Some days I really miss my little baby!

5. They want to help. E is so excited to help with the dishes, or with sweeping, or with putting away the groceries, or with laundry. It can be a little bit annoying, but the look of pride on his face as he tries to help is worth the extra time it takes to get things done.

6. They can be so silly. The littlest things can be hilarious to a toddler. I love seeing how funny E thinks it is when our dog chases a ball he throws.

7. They are so excited about seeing new things. We took E to the Royal Alberta Museum today, and he was a bundle of excitement. He kept running from display to display looking at all the wild animals in Alberta. It was such a joy to see him get so excited about it!

What are your favourite things about toddlers? What are your not-so-favourite things (look for my list soon!)?


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