It's a....


Last week we had our 20 week ultrasound. Even after 8 ultrasounds with E (due to his velementous cord insertion issue), I am still amazed at how you can get a peek at the little life that is growing. Baby looked great! We were so nervous that something would be amiss that would risk us out of a home birth, but my midwife told us it was a perfect ultrasound. Baby's measurements are all perfect, my placenta is in the back and up high, and everything else looks fantastic too. It was SUCH a relief to hear that. I still have memories of the ultrasound we had that told us we were going to miscarry, so I am always a bit nervous at them. And I remember how my doctor called the night of the ultrasound with E to tell us there was something wrong with the cord and where it was inserted. We were hoping to find out the sex of this baby, and baby definitely cooperated. I was really hoping for a girl because girls are rare on mrblueberry's side of the family and I have always wanted a daughter, but it seems this time E will have a brother instead. Baby #3 will just have to be that girl! E will have so much fun with a brother. And I am quite excited to see them grow up to be good friends (hopefully). I just hope my walls are saved from the holes that boys can create! One other bonus about baby being a boy: it will be MUCH cheaper since we already have mostly everything we need from E! Money is pretty tight around here at the blueberry's lately (darn those pesky student loans), so that is a very good thing. As much as I was hoping for a girl, I am truly happy for another boy.

21 weeks with E on the left, 21 weeks with baby #2 on the right!
This time around is so different too. Time is going by SO FAST. I can't believe I am over half way there now! This part of the pregnancy with E flew by so fast, so I'm afraid of how fast it will go this time. Before I know it, I will be meeting this little life! I feel so much more movement too. I swear this child is going to be a ninja or a salsa dancer, haven't decided which yet though. It's likely because my placenta is at the back this time. With E, it was mostly in the front so it muffled a lot of the earlier movement. I never really saw my belly move with E, but just yesterday I watched as baby had a party and my belly moved four different times! And my belly is HUGE. Way bigger than it was with E. By like 4 weeks. I am a little afraid to see how big I will be come June!


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