Passing of an Old Year Brings a New Beginning

I cannot believe that 2011 is almost at an end, and 2012 is nearly upon us. It seems like yesterday that I was in high school and we were wondering what would happen when the computers had to turn over to 2000. I remember the panic and worry that took over some people's lives that year. Stock piles were built, prayers were said, and we waited. And nothing happened. January 1, 2000 came and went without any more issues than New Year's Day usually has. Now, it is twelve years later. I have been married for five and a half years, we own a house, we have a dog and cat, we have an 18 month old son, and we are expecting baby #2. Wow. Time sure flies as an adult. Sometimes I wish I could just push pause on the remote control of life so that I can enjoy what I have fully before it's gone. Unfortunately, that remote control is only a fantasy (and as the movie "Click" pointed out, not always a good thing). 

So what did 2011 bring the blueberries? More than I could have imagined. E became so much more interactive and fun. He started walking, and then running. He still isn't really talking much besides "mama" and "dah", but his babbling is starting to sound like actual sentences instead of just noise. He has learned many, many signs and can actually communicate what he wants with them (thank you Baby Signing Time). He is such a reader and will insist you read to him by actually putting the book into your hand (and if you close your hand, he will pry it open). He continues to be a huge flirt and can win most anyone with his smile. I think we may have a problem as he gets older! Mrblueberry was offered his permanent teaching contract with the school district this summer, and that was a HUGE weight off of our shoulders as I have continued to stay home with E. We celebrated the birth of my newest nephew S (who is super cute by the way, and I wish I was closer to snuggle him more), and found out we are expecting our own bundle of joy. All in all, a pretty fantastic year. I can only imagine that 2012 will be even more fantastic as we welcome this newest bundle of joy into our lives in our own home with our midwife and doulas.

I am SO excited for 2012. I usually start getting excited on the winter solstice. I have always loved that day. It is the shortest day of the year, but from that day on there is a positivity and newness in the world. As a friend on facebook put it, it's "a time for letting go of the past and stepping into a positive future!" (Thanks Sam!). For me, this is kind of when the "New Year" starts, not January. There is just so much to look forward to from this day on that it just feels "right" to me.

People always talk about resolutions for the new year, but I have never really been one to make any. In the past, I have occasionally made a resolution here or there, but they just didn't stick (and not because they were "to lose weight" or something like that). I don't really get the whole "wait until the new year to make a new promise to myself that I will likely not keep." If there is something I want to change, I decide to do it right then. Usually. That being said, inspired by a good friend of ours,  I am in the process of making a list of 30 things I want to do before I'm 30 since I am turning 29 this year. Some will be easier than others, but I hope that I can accomplish them all. When I am finished my list, I will post it so that I can be held more accountable!

What about you? How was your 2011? Do you make resolutions? If so, what are yours for 2012?


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