37 Weeks

The countdown is on. I am 37 weeks pregnant today. That means that baby could "technically" come at any time (though, let's wait until my doulas are back home, ok baby?).  Pretty soon, this baby boy will be here! I'm sure it will seem like forever. I'm sure I will get even more uncomfortable (is that even possible?!). I'm sure that I will get grumpier. I'm sure I will get even bigger (the body continues to amaze me how much it stretches to accommodate a baby!). And, I'm sure that all too soon our little family of four will become a family of five. 

Until then, though, I have to deal with all of the third trimester annoyances. Heartburn, achy and unstable hips, feeling heavy, waking up a bazillion times for the bathroom, being moody, not having any clothes to wear because your belly is too big but the rest of you is smaller (seriously manufacturers, bigger belly does not always equal bigger everywhere else!), not being able to get comfortable at night, wanting to sleep on my tummy, restless legs. Oh, the restless legs. If I could "fix" one problem, it would be the restless legs. There is just something entirely frustrating about trying to sleep and having your legs feel like they need to jerk around. Even more so, when you get up to walk but your entire body is exhausted except for your legs needing to move. I've tried many things to help--increasing magnesium and calcium, Epsom salt baths, leg massages (thanks to mrblueberry), walking around, cutting coffee (that wasn't pretty), Tylenol, a homeopathic remedy called Restful Legs, essential oils, and super hot showers on my legs during an "episode." The only thing that works consistently is a super hot shower. It's a little weird at first to be turning on the shower at 2 am, but worth it most of the time! Our water bill is going to be atrocious! But last night, even my fail safe shower didn't work. It is so infuriating to be so tired and exhausted and yet not be able to sleep because of your own body. 

Someone said to me recently that it was my body preparing itself for having a newborn. I wanted to slap them. Apparently, they missed the fact that I have two children already. I haven't slept properly in over 4.5 years! I don't think I need any "preparation" thankyouverymuch! I know soon this will be over. Soon, being uncomfortable at night will be replaced by nursing. Soon, my restless legs will be replaced with a sweet, little, squishy baby boy. Soon. Very soon. And until then, I will just have to deal. 


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