My Healthy Revolution: 28 Days Later

Just after finishing!
It's been one month since I had the experience of a lifetime--running in my first half marathon in Vancouver. It was beyond amazing, especially getting to experience it with my closest friends. Team in training is truly an amazing organization. Last November, I could barely run for three minutes at a time. Yet, three weeks ago I ran a half marathon. Amazing. Just amazing. I can't say enough good things about TNT. They helped turn this non-runner who hated running and thought it was a pointless way to exercise into a runner who can't wait to get out for a run, even during the bitter cold of an Edmonton winter. They helped me make my health and exercise a priority, all while raising money for a great cause. They helped me change my life. I can't thank TNT and my fantastic coaches enough for the difference they've made in my life. Exercise is now a part of my life that I look forward to and that my body craves.

Running through pain
But it wasn't all roses and sunshine. Two weeks before the race, my knee started to hurt during runs. I have had a bad knee since high school, but it hadn't bothered me during any of our training. Not even during the intense make-you-wanna-puke hill training up Emily Murphy Park Hill. I started physiotherapy as soon as I could, but it wasn't in time. My knee hurt due to a very tight and weak quad and hip. One week is just not enough time to strengthen those muscles! I did what I could, but I prepared myself for a slower time and for pain. When I ran the half, I ran through pain. A lot of pain. I ended up skipping most of my walk breaks because every time I walked and then ran again, sharp pains would shoot up my leg. And while the rest of my body felt fantastic and I felt like I could have run forever, that knee pain was excruciating. I could barely walk after the run and had to use the stroller to support my weight on the (long) walk back to the hotel.  And for days after my knee bothered me, especially going down stairs. I've been going to physio twice a week since the race. I've been doing my stretches and strengthening that my fabulous physiotherapist has given me. It is very slowly getting better. Two weeks ago, I ran and ended up having to walk half of it. Last week I ran and while it still hurt, it wasn't as painful as it was before. I think the difference was that I ran in the mosquito-infested grass and had mrblueberry speed walking beside me with the stroller helping to keep me at a slower pace. This week, I've gone out twice to do two short (15 min) runs, barefoot and in the grass, as I try to stop my body from heel-striking. Both times, my knee did not hurt at all except for a little bit of an achy feeling near the end. Slowly but surely, I have hope that it will get better. And when it does, I will start my training for my next half marathon--the Edmonton Half! And from there? Well, for some reason I'm considering doing the Vancouver Full marathon next year with TNT (or wherever next year's Spring team is going to). Yes, I said it. The full. I must be crazy.


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