Mistakes and Apologies

Have you ever done or said something without thinking about how it would affect others? I have. Lots. Sometimes, more often than I like to admit, I say or do things and don't think any farther than how they will affect myself. Does this make me self-absorbed? Maybe. I'd like to think it makes me human, but I know not everyone has the same problem. You would think by now in my life I would learn to stop and think first. But it keeps happening. Perhaps that's a clue for me to reassess my own self.

I made a mistake. And the first step to fixing a mistake is to own up to it. The second step is apologizing: I'm sorry. And the third step is to try to make sure it doesn't happen again. So here I am. Owning up to my mistake and apologizing. Those that know of the mistake know of the mistake. I won't rehash for all to see. But I did want to apologize here since here was where the mistake happened. I'd like to blame it on being an Aries or on any other number of things, but I won't. I'm sorry I acted without thinking about the consequences or about how my actions and words would affect others. I will own my actions and choices and live with the fallout. In the future, I promise to try to be more thoughtful of things so it doesn't happen again. I simply didn't think beyond myself, and that is not fair. So here I am at your feet, asking for your forgiveness, hoping you will be able to see past my flaws, and hoping that you will bear with me as I try to fix them.

Mistakes happen. We all make them. What matters is if we learn from them and move on, or if we continue to repeat the same ones. Here's hoping I do the former.


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