Changes for a Healthy Life

I made a mistake. When I was at my mom's house in BC, I stepped on the scale. I haven't weighed myself since 18 weeks pregnant. Yes, you read that right. How did I get through my whole pregnancy only weighing myself twice? Midwifery care. And I didn't want to focus on the number on the scale. Truthfully, it was fabulous. I enjoyed not focusing on it and not freaking out about how much I was (or wasn't) gaining. But I did not weigh myself at the end, so I have NO idea how much I gained. So stepping on the scale and seeing a number 25 pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight was kind of scary. I guess I had hoped I hadn't gained too much this time. With E, I gained 52 pounds in total, at 8 weeks postpartum I was down 25 pounds, and it took me 16 months to lose the rest. I would really like to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight (or wedding weight! One can dream right?) by next spring at the latest.

I have always struggled with body image and weight. From the time I was a young girl, I remember thinking that I was "fat." I look back now on pictures from my wedding and prior to my first pregnancy, and I am amazed by how not fat I was. They don't lie when they say hindsight is 20/20. I know that I can get back to that body again (or at least close, I know it will never be the same), but I need to make healthier choices though to get there. For my children and for myself. How am I going to do this?!  I have a few ideas.

1. Tracking my diet using my fitness pal. I have been trying to do this for a while now, but I just haven't gotten into the routine. Last time I did it, I noticed a huge difference in how I ate. It's just a matter of DOING it. I make a huge effort of feeding E healthy food, and don't always do the same for myself. It's time that I start modelling healthy eating habits for my children.

2. Walking! I am going to try to go for a walk every other day with the kids and mrblueberry. And we just renewed our gym memberships, so I may try to go swimming (although the pool by my house is sadly closing for 4 months for renovations).  I have never done lengths swimming before, and I am not a strong swimmer, but I think this would really help and be refreshing. I'm still debating between lengths and aquasize, but we will see.

3. And the big one. In May, I am entering a half-marathon in Vancouver with momstown. I am so pumped for it. It's going to be a lot of work. I am going to start training by doing the Couch to 5k program. I hate running long distances (always have), but for some reason I love this program and am excited to start it again. We are going to be working with Team in Training come November, and they are going to teach us how to run an actual half marathon (or full if I decide I'm completely crazy). And, in return, we are going to do fundraising for cancer research (a large amount of fundraising). So, if you have anything you can spare, PLEASE help me reach my goal. It's such a fantastic opportunity, and I can't wait to experience this with some good friends.

So, there you have it. Am I nervous? YES. My life has become infinitely busy now with two kids and my increased responsibilities with momstown. Training may be something I try to "get out of." But, I hope by chronicling my journey on here, I will have a little more success at sticking with it! So please, keep me going. When January rolls around, and we are doing marathon training outside in -30 degrees Celsius, I am going to need some motivation!


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