You Are Enough

I have spent much of my life questioning my worth. Wondering if I was smart enough, pretty enough, thin enough. Wondering how I could make myself organized enough, patient enough, "mom" enough. Wondering if anyone could see how much I was faking it trying to be enough and wondering what they would do when they found out the truth.

Well, here is the truth that I am finally starting to believe (after 33 years, 10 years of marriage, 5 children, and 2 university degrees).

I am enough.

And so are you.

That's right.

Just as we are. Flaws and everything.

Know why? 

Because God doesn't make junk. If you don't believe in God, then replace "God" with whatever word you'd like  (Allah, nature, biology, whatever). Even diamonds have flaws if you look closely enough, and yet even the most flaw filled diamond still shines brightly under the right light.

We are enough too. And we can shine brightly no matter our flaws. I'm impatient, easily flustered, and I tend to be quick to anger. I don't always think before I speak. My memory in recent years is crap. As much as I love seeing my friends and family, sometimes I find every excuse possible to duck out of plans. I need a lot of time alone to refresh my spirit and energy.

So you're not everything you've always wanted to be? Your life isn't where you dreamed it would be? Take a look again. Are you on your way there? Is the journey just longer than you expected? Or perhaps you took a wrong turn and didn't realize it? That is okay. No matter whether you are living your dreams or not, you are enough. No matter what path you have taken.
Maybe the destination that you pictured doesn't exist anymore. Maybe the road that you had envisioned collapsed. Maybe you are taking the long way around. Maybe instead of focusing on the destination, you need to take a look at the journey along the way. Perhaps if you look close enough, you will find that you are enough.

Just as you are. 

Right here in this moment. 

You. Are. Enough.


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