Best Friends: An Announcement

As I sit here this afternoon, I hear the sounds of two little boys becoming best friends. A has finally reached an age where he is starting to actually play with E. Almost every day since Christmas, I have watched them play with their new train set together. They build the tracks throughout the house, sometimes with a little fighting, but not usually. I hear E's little 3 year old voice occasionally say, "Do you need my help?" or "Please don't break it Araric." It's amazing seeing them play together, even if some days they fight more than they play. When I first found out I was pregnant, I got scared that this new baby will change their relationship in a way that is just unavoidable. I was mostly scared that this new baby would ruin that bond that they are forming. And then, I look at my friends with three or more children and I realize that I'm right. Their relationship will change, but it will change in ways that are amazing. Instead of only having one best friend, they'll have two. What an amazing gift!

We had our ultrasound the other week. While mrblueberry would have been content keeping the sex a surprise, we decided to find out. Babe was completely cooperative and the ultrasound technician even said the words, "I know for sure." Want to know? Watch the video below featuring the song Happy by Pharrell Williams.


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