The Gratitude Sunday Experiment Begins
Being grateful.
Appreciating what you have and not focusing on what you don't have.
What does being grateful mean to you? Are you grateful every day? Is it something that you actively make a part of your life? Do you actively appreciate something every day or do you focus on what you can't or don't have? I have been doing the latter lately, and it has started to bring me down. I've been putting so much energy and thoughts into how things have been going wrong for me that I've been completely missing all the wonderful things that are going right. So, I've decided to start a gratitude journal. I've wanted to do it before, and I've started before. But, like many things in my life, I never follow through with it. This time I want to succeed. I've read that a gratitude journal can help with depression, and if it helps just a little, I want to do it. To make sure I stay accountable to it, I'm going to record it here once a week.
Here is my first entry.
Friday-- I am grateful for being able to spend time with family camping. It's so nice to get away from the world and just hang out together without the noise of the world. I'm so grateful that both my mom and mrblueberry's mom were able to join us this weekend!
Saturday--I am grateful we took the good advice to go to the Royal Tyrrell Museum right when it opened. It was a busy place when we left, and I'm not sure that E would have made it through the line up never mind the museum! I am also grateful that they were able to fix the water pressure and open the bathrooms back up!
Sunday--I am grateful that we changed our route back to Edmonton last minute today. We took the back way until Ponoka and missed all those accidents that were on the QE2. We may have gotten one hell of a rock chip (seriously, it is almost as big as my hand--huge), but I will take a rock chip over an accident any day.
What were you grateful for this week?